Boost student enrollment and engagement through personalized success coaching
Proven solutions for your enrollment challenges
Today’s enrollment landscape poses more challenges than ever — with a steep decline in traditional-age students, rising costs and people questioning the value of a degree. Yet making quality education accessible is the first step in closing attainment gaps in higher education — ensuring that institutions thrive and learners increase social mobility.
InsideTrack’s proven enrollment coaching can not only increase your conversion and yield — it can also help prospective students define long-term goals, identify the best program fit, connect to resources, prepare for registration deadlines, and ultimately feel a stronger sense of belonging. As a result, they’re ready to start strong — committed to your institution and their futures.

Multi-channel coaching positively impacts enrollment rates
Working with a dedicated enrollment coach, students learn to define long-term goals and select the program that works best for them. Coaches use the student’s preferred communication channel to meet them where they are, connecting to help them develop the mindset, skills and beliefs that lead to success. And they support students to identify challenges and create plans to overcome them.
By experiencing meaningful engagement and a continuity of care that cultivates a sense of community upfront, students are more likely to enroll and thrive throughout their time with you.
Partner Benefits
Increased enrollment rates and yield
Greater student readiness and satisfaction
More equitable and diverse enrollment
Insight into enrollment pain points and barriers
Enhanced operational effectiveness and bandwidth to support learners
Learner Benefits
A trusted ally trained to address questions and concerns via multiple channels
An understanding of their degree or credential and how it connects to their goals
Better belonging, engagement and connection with the institution
The mindset to persist through challenges
Knowledge, skills and habits critical to college and career success
Tangible enrollment results

Enrollment support tailored to your prospective students
Success Coaching to enroll more learners
Success coaching for enrollment provides positive outreach to students who are thinking about applying to your program. Coaching helps keep students engaged and connected with your institution, building a sense of belonging and developing the knowledge, skills and beliefs that are critical to college success. This includes:
Nurturing prospective learners with proactive, scalable outreach
Helping them navigate the application and enrollment process with defined next steps
Creating a clear path forward and filling in any gaps, to and through enrollment

Coaching development and training to transform your enrollment department
Coaching development and training helps institutions improve their enrollment processes by equipping trained staff with a foundation in proven coaching methodology. These in-person, remote or hybrid programs are designed to improve your enrollment program’s outcomes, making the gains sustainable for the long term.
Calculate the impact of enrollment coaching on your program
Our Impact Calculator lets you enter variables specific to your enrollment needs in order to see the potential benefits of enrollment coaching. And while return on investment and yield are at the top of the list, the impact goes well beyond that — including institutional effectiveness, better-prepared students, and actionable trends and insights pulled from student/coach connections.
Meet Brad
Brad Lee lost his father in his senior year of high school, impacting his outlook on everything in his life, including going to college at Old Dominion University. Connecting with an enrollment coach showed him that he was wanted at the university and inspired his determination to succeed. Finding purpose and accountability with his coach helped him see a brighter future ahead.