How well do you support your prospective adult learners?

What percentage of individuals considering your college or university make it from prospective to enrolled student? How often — and how quickly — does your institution respond to inquiries? And are your RFI (request for information) forms built around your needs, or the needs of your prospective students?

To find out, a three-part study was conducted by UPCEA and InsideTrack to gain a better understanding of the adult learner inquiry experience. This included a deep dive into OPM (online program management) providers and the inquiry process, a secret shopper analysis, and an RFI form analysis.

Download “Looking Toward the Future: Enrollment Strategies and Evolving Expectations of Potential Inquirers” for actionable insights on higher-yield enrollment that can help you better address prospective student inquiries.

Adult learner enrollment challenges at a glance

of inquiries never receive a response
of individuals who inquire about credit-bearing programs start an application
of institutions don’t track funnel metrics for professional, continuing and ongoing learners

Strengthen your enrollment process

Areas of improvement for inquirer engagement:

  • Lengthy RFI forms and slow response times
  • Low-quality, non-personalized automated emails
  • Technical issues on RFI forms and web pages

Challenges cited by inquirers related to RFI forms:

  • Too many personal questions and questions overall
  • Requiring phone number, physical address and similar questions early on
  • Requiring GPA, work phone, family contact information and other questions considered “excessive”

Ways to better attract and matriculate inquiries:

  • Send prompt, personalized responses once an RFI is submitted
  • Make online portals and inquiry forms concise and user-friendly
  • Foster genuine and supportive engagement throughout the inquiry process
We do what we do because we want to support other people. And for a lot of us, for years that meant advising. Telling students what they should do. Giving them the answers. Now, with coaching, the best thing we can do to support them is to help them develop these skills so they can chart their own path, knowing they have a support team along the way.

Bekah Sanchez

Student Services Grant Manager at North Central Texas College

My plan is to continue my educational career; I’m going to Metropolitan State University next fall to continue my education degree, with an emphasis on English studies. Again, thanks for all of your help and support!

Coached Student through MOHE partnership

Higher Education
Community Colleges
4-year Colleges and Universities
Online, Professional & Continuing Education
Student Support
Online Learning
Adult Education