Maximizing the transformative power of coaching with development and training
Coaching development and training gives you the internal capacity to deliver long-term coaching
Chances are you know us as leaders in the use of personalized, executive-style coaching as a way to help all learners achieve their education and career goals. What you may not know is that we can also train and certify your staff members in our proven, equity-forward coaching methodology — supporting you to embed it within your institution or organization to strengthen your support. Our ultimate goal? To equip your teams with tools that will carry on the sustainable impact of coaching, long after our official partnership ends. Let’s take a deeper look at InsideTrack coaching development and training and the transformation it can fuel for your organization and your learners.
Coaching, two ways
InsideTrack offers two coaching-powered pathways to support your organization in achieving your desired strategic outcomes and learner impact. One way is for us to directly coach your learners. The other is for us to provide in-depth training, observation and certification to help you build your own sustainable coaching program — providing you with the internal capacity to deliver effective and sustainable coaching support to your own learners for years to come.
So why two different options using the same proven coaching methodology? Simple. As a nonprofit, our focus is on impact. The widespread, long-lasting impact of coaching development and training is mission-aligned and critical to the values that drive our work. The more learners we can reach through our coaching and use of our coaching methodology, the better. And the more we can focus on comprehensive, full-scale training programs that teach staff, leadership and learner supporters across departments to embody a holistic coaching methodology and mindset, the more attainable long-term, scalable impact becomes.
Understanding the components of coaching development and training
From college readiness programs and higher ed institutions to workforce boards and employer-backed talent programs, we help organizations level up their support for the individuals they serve through in-house coaching development, training programs, change management and specialized certifications.
We currently offer four different certifications and one microcredential. Not only can we certify your staff members to become coaches — ready to bring our coaching methodology to all learner-facing support — we can also certify in-house trainers and observers, key roles that allow you to expand coaching across your organization while maintaining consistent quality. In addition, we also offer certifications in Coaching Powered Leadership, along with a microcredential in our CLEAR (Confirm, Legitimize, Evaluate And Respond) framework — a tool we use to help a learner shift their perspective, empower them to realize the influence they have over the situation and explore options they have to move forward.
We know that transformation of entire teams, processes and support models doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why we also offer collaborative program design and management, leadership consulting and change management support, and actionable insights to improve internal policies, processes and ultimately the learner experience. And we work with institutions and organizations throughout the funding process, providing guidance and proposal development, as needed, to incorporate our sustainable support services into a grant-funded project that aligns your goals with federal requirements.
Fuel student support transformation with federal funds
Many of our partners use federal grants to fund their coaching development and training work. We are experienced and adept at working with institutions that have received funding from Department of Education and Department of Labor federal grant programs. This includes Title III, Title IV, post-secondary Student Success Grant, Perkins, GEAR UP, and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
What’s more, our evidence-based, research-confirmed coaching methodology is listed in the U.S. Department of Education’s “What Works Clearinghouse” of evidence-based practices, making it easier to receive federal grant funding. Securing this funding for support transformation can allow you to create a more sustainable type of support, proving that you are committed to your learners. It’s not an easy fix, but comprehensive program reconception will provide lasting impact.
Coaching development and training in action
To date, we have partnered with more than 130 institutions and organizations to implement coaching development and training — working with each organization to design a solution that works for them. Here are a few coaching development and training partner examples that run the gamut, from community colleges and universities to talent and workforce organizations.
Old Dominion University
This university went all-in, starting with providing coaching for first-year students who may otherwise struggle to persist in college and ending with a fully trained in-house coaching department that's still going strong years later.
Key Result: 18.7% higher first-year retention rate
Learn more in the Old Dominion University Case Study >
North Central Texas College
Find out how this community college used federal grants to holistically change their support system to incorporate research-proven coaching methodology, creating a culture of coaching where student support runs deep.
“InsideTrack equipped us with a new skill set to serve our students at a whole new level.”
— Bekah Sanchez, Student Services Grant Manager, North Central Texas College
Learn more in the North Central Texas College Partner Profile >
Education Fund
Working to close the allied health workforce gap, a national union-funded organization embedded coaching methodology to provide learners pursuing health care careers with the wraparound support needed to reskill and upskill, advancing their careers.
Key Result: 81% completion rate for their medical assistant pathway
Learn more in the Education Fund Case Study >
Employ Prince George’s
To further the employment outcomes of the individuals they serve, Employ Prince George’s, an industry-leading workforce development nonprofit, partnered with InsideTrack on a multi-year initiative to equip their staff with an evidence-based coaching methodology.
"This is about moving beyond basic case management support for people in career transitions and using an evidenced-based approach to truly understand and assist job seekers who are experiencing complex human, social, cultural, and economic challenges to achieving a livable wage and maintaining a middle-class household."
— Walter Simmons, President and CEO, Employ Prince George’s
Looking for even more information on our coaching development and training solution? Check out in-depth key program components, certification details and benefits. Plus additional case studies, videos and more.
Coaching solutions proven to advance all learners
Whether you’re looking to help students persist through completion or to improve career outcomes for job seekers and employees, our holistic coaching solutions can help you achieve meaningful outcomes.