August 29, 2024
2-3 p.m. EST
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Practitioners in education and workforce development share firsthand insights on addressing trauma and toxic stress

Anyone working in workforce development organizations and educational programs is keenly aware there’s a rapidly growing mental and emotional health crisis facing individuals looking to enter or re-enter the workforce. Not only that, but if you’re a frontline staff member at these same workforce and education agencies, you’re likely also experiencing trauma, stress and burnout yourself. Together — with the added constraint of limited resources to holistically support the people you serve — these challenges can make it feel like a perpetual uphill battle to achieve your mission of connecting individuals to the education, training or job pathways that can propel them forward. 


That’s why Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) and InsideTrack collaborated to write From Crisis to Resilience: Addressing Trauma and Toxic Stress in Education and Workforce Development Systems. This white paper dives into research showing the impact of trauma and toxic stress on individuals along their educational and career pathways and offers tangible trauma-informed, healing centered approaches for practitioners and leaders to use as they address this complex challenge at their own organizations. 

And watch the panel-style webinar as leaders from CSW, Calculus Roundtable, the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation and InsideTrack discuss the in-the-field implications of the report findings and their firsthand experiences implementing trauma-informed approaches in frontline support. Learn how you can implement these approaches and support the individuals you serve.

Watch the webinar — From Crisis to Resilience: Healing-Centered Support Approaches for Education and Workforce Systems — on demand.

Meet the panelists

Vickie Choitz

Director of Trauma and Resilience at Work, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Jim Hollis

Executive Director, Calculus Roundtable

Linsey Gillery

Senior Project Manager, Learn to Earn, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation

Mo McKenna

Associate VP of Partner Success, InsideTrack

Higher Education
Workforce Development
Career Readiness
Reskilling Upskilling & Advancing
Coaching Development & Training
Mental Health & Wellness
Coaching Methodology
Student Support