LaNiya at JCSU | InsideTrack
Learner Story

Meet LaNiya and her student success coach, Nichole

Teamwork makes the dream work: a student-athlete finds her ideal coach

A coaching relationship built on trust and communication helps one busy learner find her footing

It started with a phone call — an invitation to connect in person at the Golden Bull Academy, the three-day orientation for new Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) students. Little did LaNiya Smith know that this initial meeting would spark a pivotal coaching relationship with Nichole Patterson, a student success coach at JCSU.

After a three-year break from school to prepare for the rigors of being a college student-athlete, LaNiya followed a friend's recommendation and chose JCSU, an HBCU known for its culture, athletics and healthcare programs. She enrolled as a public health major and was selected for a spot on the women’s volleyball team. A driven, dedicated student and lifelong athlete, LaNiya certainly had the talent, determination and ability to meet her academic and athletic goals. However, it was Coach Patterson who proved instrumental in helping her balance these commitments while prioritizing her physical and mental well-being.

Building a foundation of trust

Coach Patterson noticed right from the start how LaNiya stood out among the first-year college students. “Sometimes, our freshmen students come here, and it's like they’re stargazing during that first year. They're very inundated with the newness of college, with new peers to meet and new experiences. For LaNiya, it was different. She came here with goals, and she has set out to meet each and every academic goal in addition to her athletic goals.” Through their weekly meetings during LaNiya’s first semester, her coach got a strong sense of who LaNiya was — as a student and a person — and drew on those qualities to enrich and deepen their bond. Coach Patterson noted, “LaNiya’s strength is her ability to connect, her ability to communicate. She can talk openly and freely to me, which allows me to really support her and her goals.”

Coach Patterson’s success in supporting LaNiya is also rooted in her own professional development. As part of a coaching development and training program with JCSU, Coach Patterson was trained in the InsideTrack coaching methodology. This training shifted her approach from a prescriptive style — simply telling students what to do — to a more developmental one. As Coach Patterson explains, “Before going through this model, my approach would have been to just tell the student ‘you need to do A, B, C and D and in that order.’ Now I will allow the student to talk through what success looks like for them — not for me.” This student-centered approach empowers learners to define their own goals and discover their own paths to achieving them, with Coach Patterson providing guidance and support along the way.

Good communication is the all-important foundation on which great coaching relationships are built. As trust continued to grow between coach and student, LaNiya opened up more and more about the issues that came up in her classes or in her life. Working together, they collaborated on a plan to move forward through anything that was blocking her way or slowing her down. This support is not lost on LaNiya, who has greatly appreciated having Coach Patterson on her side. “She really does care about me. She’s honest with me and she’s always there for me.” 

“I'm inspired by LaNiya’s tenacity and her focus. It doesn't matter what's going on in the classroom, during the coaching session, we'll talk it out. She perseveres, gets through it and moves on. She’s focused on her success.”
— Nichole Patterson, JCSU Student Success Coach 

Finding balance, prioritizing wellness

On the heels of volleyball session, LaNiya added a new challenge to her plate. In the spring, after learning how to throw the javelin, shot put and discus, she decided to try out for the JCSU track team — and was asked to join. It is no small feat that LaNiya, with no previous track experience, would be competing at the college level. As impressive as the accomplishment was, Coach Patterson knew it would add yet another commitment to the many that LaNiya was already managing. Along with classes and sports, she also worked off-campus as a security guard, which meant that there were times when LaNiya felt too busy to walk to the cafeteria to grab a meal. She mentions, “I know why it's important. But honestly, I just didn't really have the time.”

This did not escape Coach Patterson’s notice, who was quick to step in. Taking a holistic approach — assessing student challenges and opportunities that extend beyond academics to address the student as a whole person — Coach Patterson made sure LaNiya wasn’t neglecting her own self-care. “I really wasn’t eating as much as I should have,” LaNiya admitted, “but Coach Patterson was really on me every day about taking my eating and sleeping seriously.” This type of thoughtful assessment and intervention from a caring coach can benefit every student, including focused, driven high achievers like LaNiya. By working together, Coach Patterson and LaNiya found ways to help her balance all her commitments while safeguarding her physical and mental health. Checking in on issues like these, which are not school-related as much as they are school-impacting, can make a huge difference in a learner’s overall well-being.

Coached for success

Spend any time with LaNiya and Coach Patterson and it’s immediately evident how warm, close and trusting their relationship is. Their bond is a testament to the power of effective coaching and mentorship. Reflecting on their time together, Coach Patterson shared her perspective on how coaching has helped LaNiya. “If there is a hiccup in class, LaNiya will bring it to the coaching session. We talk about it and it's gone. It's over. She moves on. Anyone, even coaches, can get stuck on their issues. We’re human. But Ms. Smith just continues to overcome in spite of. She perseveres. It’s inspiring.” 

Along with LaNiya’s other personal and academic strengths, a contributing factor to the success of this particular coach-student partnership has certainly been LaNiya’s participation in sports from a young age. This athlete has long seen and embraced the outcome-changing benefit of a good coach. “Working as a team is in my nature,” LaNiya says. “Basically, I just love collaborating as a team. What’s great about having a coach? Everything!”  

“Having someone to listen to you, give you advice and just being there at any moment, anytime. It’s amazing. Having someone to push you and also believe in you and your dreams and your goals — it’s the best thing ever. You are not in it alone.” 
— LaNiya Smith, JCSU student

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