Federal Grants: Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how institutions can utilize federal funding to implement sustainable student support programs and initiatives.

What InsideTrack coaching programs can my institution write into our grant?

With all partnerships, InsideTrack tailors specific coaching programs based on partner needs and desired student outcomes. We have partnered with institutions to implement combinations of direct, one-to-one coaching programs delivered directly to your students and capacity building, training and consulting programs to strengthen your staff support using federal grant funds. All of our federally-grant funded program elements depend on the details of the grant itself, as we closely align our programs with an institution’s goals and the grant’s requirements.

Does InsideTrack apply for and receive federal grant funding directly?

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, InsideTrack is eligible to receive direct federal funding. However, we prefer to contract with institutions that will receive the federal funds directly – which ultimately allows institutions to incorporate InsideTrack coaching and capacity building programs into large-scale and multi-prong projects owned by the institution. In this case, we act as a contractor to the institution.

Does InsideTrack provide grant writing support?

While the institution applying for the grant should plan to take the lead on grant writing, InsideTrack is happy to support the process by providing key language — focused on solutions and outcomes — to help strengthen the application. This includes language around our evidence-based, sustainable and student-centered coaching programs and practices.

How are InsideTrack coaching programs sustainable?

Often paired with direct, one-to-one coaching to support current students, InsideTrack capacity building and training programs use a “train-the-trainer” model, which provides institutions with the ability to build holistic coaching capacity within their own staff and create long-lasting student support impact. At the end of a full-scale capacity building program, you’ll be able to manage and sustain a successful in-house coaching program, independent of InsideTrack. Furthermore, training-certified individuals from your institution become part of InsideTrack’s Trainer Network. This network provides certified trainers on your staff with ongoing support, training, and access to updated training materials for as long as they are at your institution.

What does it mean that InsideTrack’s coaching programs are “evidence-based”?

Many grants are interested in funding evidence-based interventions that have been tested, independently researched and proven to deliver measurable outcomes. InsideTrack’s coaching methodology has been proven to be evidence-based through RCT studies and independent research, including a study from Stanford’s Dr. Eric Bettinger and Dr. Rachel Baker, which appears in the Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse.

Should we list InsideTrack in our grant application?

Both listing and not listing InsideTrack in your grant application are viable options, depending on the grant and your process. The benefits of listing InsideTrack in your grant application include the ability to point to our previously funded grant partnerships and their outcomes, as well as to show the sustainable and evidence-based components of our work. Most importantly, whether or not you choose to name us in your grant application, we want to engage with you prior to submitting your grant application so we can work on the proper scope, budget and timeframes.

What are some examples of InsideTrack grant-funded partnerships?

US Department of Education Grant Funding:

Title III (Strengthening Institutions) – Illinois Central College (IL), South Central College (MN), Midland College (TX), and Wallace Dothan (AL)
- Title V (Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program) – South Texas College (TX), Waubonsee Community College (IL), Victoria College (TX)
- GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs)
– North Carolina and Oklahoma Board of Regents
- PBI Grant (Predominantly Black Institutions Program) – Medgar Evers College (NY), Bloomfield College (NJ)
- TRIO – Saint Mary’s College (CA), Northeast Texas Community College (TX), Community College of Allegheny County (PA)

We’ve also received US Department of Labor grant funding via TAACCCT, Perkins and WIOA grants.

Here is a case study for a recent Title III partnership with Illinois Central College.

How can my institution partner with InsideTrack to secure and implement federal grant funding to fuel support for learners?

The best way to initiate a discussion around a grant-funded partnership with InsideTrack is to reach out to us at hello@insidetrack.org or through our web contact form here. We will promptly reach out to you to schedule a time to assess your institution’s student success challenges and goals so that we can make a professional recommendation on a tailored solution based on your strategic goals, as well as the grant’s required budget and outcomes.

Learn how InsideTrack can support you before and throughout the federal grants process.