How to win federal grants to build a sustainable in-house coaching program
Learn how three colleges won federal grants to redesign their student success efforts
Federal grants can provide critical funding for implementing sustainable learner-support programs and initiatives. But how do you win those competitive grants? And once you’ve secured the funding, how do you ensure you’re meeting grant requirements and building sustainable student support foundations that will last for years to come?
In this webinar, panelists from three institutions that have each won either a Title III or Title V grant from the U.S. Department of Education to build sustainable in-house coaching programs share their firsthand insights. It’s your chance to learn more about the grant funding process from leaders who know. Plus get tips to help you navigate the requirements. And hear thoughts on how to tap into the power of partnerships to increase your impact.
InsideTrack works with institutions like yours to provide a full scope of grant-related services. This includes everything from help with proposal development and guidance throughout the project to creating sustainable impact through our evidence-based, research-confirmed student support coaching methodology — methodology that’s recognized as high-impact and high-evidence by the U.S. Dept. of Education What Works Clearinghouse of Evidence-Based Practices. And now, InsideTrack is recognized as an IACET-accredited provider of CE units, so the rigor and impact of our training and development programs can go even further.
We look forward to seeing you for this in-depth look at the world of federal grants.
Watch the "How to win federal grants to build a sustainable in-house coaching program" webinar on-demand.

Meet the panelists

Executive Dean for Institutional Effectiveness & Title V Project Director, Waubonsee Community College

Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation, Illinois Central College

Associate Vice President, Student Success, Center for Academic Success & Transition, Missouri State University - Springfield

Associate Vice President of Partner Success, InsideTrack